DEPRECATED: Starting with SSIS+ 1.9, the .NET scripts are no longer maintained. Use the provided JavaScript alternative scripts instead.
Script File:
Data flow transformation to handle translation and creation (if needed) of Dynamics CRM OptionSet values.
The script has the following parameters:
- CrmConnection - selects Dynamics CRM Connection.
- Entity - selects Dynamics CRM entity type.
- Attribute - select OptionSet attribute you want to manage.
- LabelColumn - select input column containing OptionSet label.
- ValueColumn - select input column containing OptionSet value.
- Mapping - select variable containing optional label mapping dictionary. The dictionary can be a string, ADO Recordset object or ADO.NET DataSet object.
- Action - select action to perform when input OptionSet label doesn't match existing values. The following options are available:
- Create - specifies to create new OptionSet. The value for OptionSet is retrieved from ValueColumn.
- Replace - specifies to replace ValueColumn with the value provided in ReplaceValue parameter.
- Nullify - specifies to nullify ValueColumn.
- Ignore - specifies to ignore no match value.
- RaiseError - specifies to raise error.
- StateCodeColumn - select input column containing state code. This parameters only if No Match Action is set to Create and the OptionSet attribute is set to statuscode.
- ReplaceValue - specifies replace value when No Match Action is set to Replace.
Depends on COZYROC Script Component Plus component for implementing parameters user interface.
Requires installation of COZYROC SSIS+ 1.6 library.