DEPRECATED: Starting with SSIS+ 1.9, the .NET scripts are no longer maintained. Use the provided JavaScript alternative scripts instead.
Average: 3.5 (2 votes)


Script task to manage IMailInfo list.


The task has the following parameters:

  • MailList - selects variable containing IMailInfo list.
  • Action - selects task action:
    • AscendingSort - sorts the list in ascending order.
    • DescendingSort - sorts the list in descending order.
    • First - returns first Count items from list.
    • Last - returns last Count items from list.
  • OrderBy - selects which IMailInfo member to use for list action.
  • Count - specifies number of items to return.


Depends on COZYROC Script Task Plus for implementing parameters user interface.

Library references

  • System
  • System.Data
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS
  • CozyRoc.SSISPlus
