These public interfaces are shared across various SSIS+ components. They are provided for implementing advanced functionality in your scripts. In order for you to use these interfaces in your project, you have to reference CozyRoc.SSISPlus.dll library.
IFileInfo 1.2 SR-2
This interface is used to retrieve extended file information.
Returns file name.
Returns full file name.
Returns file size.
Returns file modification time.
Returns true if directory.
Returns file creation time.
IFtpClient 1.3
This interface is used to access services provided by SFTP and FTPS servers.
Sets current remote working directory. These are the method parameters:
- path (string) - remote directory path.
Get current remote working directory. The method result is the remote path.
Returns true if specified remote path is directory. These are the method parameters:
- path (string) - remote path.
Uploads files to remote server. These are the method parameters:
- src (string) - path to source local file(s).
- dest (string) - path to destination remote directory.
- overwrite (bool) - set to true, if you want to overwrite existing remote files.
Uploads stream of data to remote server. These are the method parameters:
- src (Stream) - stream of data to upload.
- dest (string) - path to destination remote file.
Downloads files from remote server. These are the method parameters:
- src (string) - path to source remote file(s).
- dest (string) - path to destination local directory.
- overwrite (bool) - set to true, if you want to overwrite existing local files.
Downloads stream of data from remote server. The method result is Stream to source remote file. These are the method parameters:
- src (string) - path to source remote file.
Sets remote file modified time. These are the method parameters:
- file (string) - path to remote file.
- time (DateTime) - new time of remote file.
Creates remote directory. These are the method parameters:
- directory (string) - remote directory path.
Deletes remote directory. These are the method parameters:
- directory (string) - remote directory path.
Deletes remote file. These are the method parameters:
- file (string) - path to remote file.
Renames remote file. These are the method parameters:
- oldFile (string) - path to remote file to rename.
- newFile (string) - new file name path.
Gets listing of remote files. The method result is array of IFileInfo objects. These are the method parameters:
- searchPath (string) - path to remote directory you want to retrieve the listing for.
- isWildcard (bool) - specifies if searchPath contains wildcard expression or it is simply a remote path.
- includeDir (bool) - specifies if result listing contains remote directories.
Gets listing of remote files. The method result is array of IFileInfo objects. These are the method parameters:
- searchPath (string) - path to remote directory you want to retrieve the listing for.
- isWildcard (bool) - specifies if searchPath contains wildcard expression or it is simply a remote path.
- includeDir (bool) - specifies if result listing contains remote directories.
- recursive (bool) - specifies to recursively retrieve all remote files, starting from searchPath.
- filter (string) - specifies FLEE filter expression. You can use the members from IFileInfo interface.
IMailInfo 1.5
This interface is used to retrieve extended mail information.
Gets mail attachments. These are the method parameters:
- folder (string) - path to destination local directory.
- overwrite (bool) - set to true, if you want to overwrite existing local files.
Returns mail identifier.
DEPRECATED: Use SentDate instead.
Returns mail origination date and time.
Returns mail origination date and time.
Returns mail received date and time.
Returns mail size.
Returns mail authors.
Returns primary mail recipients.
Returns other mail recipients.
Returns recipients that should receive reply to this mail.
Returns mail subject.
Returns mail text body.
Returns mail HTML body.
Returns true if mail has attachments.
Returns mail headers.
Returns list of attachments name.
IMailClient 1.5
This interface is used to access services provided by POP3 and IMAP mail servers.
Gets mail from server. These are the method parameters:
- mi (IMailInfo) - mail information object.
- filename (string) - path to destination local file.
Deletes mail from server. These are the method parameters:
- mi (IMailInfo) - mail information object.
Gets mails list from server. These are the method parameters:
- search (string) - search criteria. The expression entry for each connection is as follows:
Connection Description POP3 FLEE expression. The elements you can use are the properties available in IMailInfo interface. IMAP IMAP SEARCH COMMAND expression.
Copies mail to mail folder. These are the method parameters:
- mi (IMailInfo) - mail information object.
- destinationFolder (string) - destination mail folder.
Creates mail folder. These are the method parameters:
- folder (string) - new mail folder.
Delete mail folder. These are the method parameters:
- folder (string) - mail folder.
Returns mail folder list. The method result is array of mail folders. These are the method parameters:
- parent (string) - parent mail folder.
Knowledge Base
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.