Configuration is provided for establishing connections with the Google Maps service. The configuration is used in the REST Connection Manager.
Press icon to get more information about the connection parameters.
Obtain data
Use REST Source component to get data from service resource.
Insert data
Use REST Destination component to insert data into service resource.
Quick Start
In this task, we will show you step-by-step how to create a connection to Google Maps REST API using COZYROC's REST Connection Manager.
Congratulations! You have now established a connection to your Google Maps instance.
In this guide, we will show how to read data from the Google Maps service resource using the COZYROC REST Source component.
Base URL address: https://maps.googleapis.com
The authentication uses a parameters-based authentication.
The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- key:
- Signature: Optional
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/get-api-key.
Based on resource template PlaceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.candidates}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- input: Required. Please specify Text input that identifies the search target
- inputtype: Required. Please specify the type of input. This can be one of either textquery or phonenumber
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{= _.without( GoogleMaps.getSelectedFields(parameters.fields), 'scope', 'vicinity', 'opening_hours/periods', 'opening_hours/weekday_text').join() }}
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/search-find-place.
- [Read Nearby Search] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.results}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- location : Required. Please specify The latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information
- radius: Specify only if rankby=distance is not specified
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/search-nearby.
- [Read Text Search] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.results}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Please specify The latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/search-text.
- place_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- business_status
Template: ShortText.
- formatted_address
Template: ShortText.
- geometry
Template: geometryT.
- icon
Template: ShortText.
- icon_background_color
Template: ShortText.
- icon_mask_base_uri
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- opening_hours
Template: openingHourT.
- photos
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- plus_code
Template: plusCodeT.
- price_level
Data type: DT_R8
- rating
Data type: DT_R8
- reference
Template: ShortText.
- scope
Template: ShortText.
- types
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- user_ratings_total
Data type: DT_R8
- vicinity
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template PlaceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.predictions}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- input: Required. Please specify The text string on which to search
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/autocomplete.
- [Read Query Autocomplete] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.predictions}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- input: Required. Please specify The text string on which to search
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/query.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- matched_substrings
Template: substringsT.
- place_id
Template: ShortText.
- reference
Template: ShortText.
- structured_formatting
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: main_text, main_text_matched_substrings, secondary_text.
Uses template:
- terms
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: offset, value.
- types
Template: LongText. A composite field.
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.results}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- address: Provide address parameter that you want to geocode
- components: Provide components parameter that you want to geocode
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview#Types.
- [Read Reverse Geocode] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.results}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- latlng: Required. Please specify The The latitude and longitude values of location
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview#ReverseGeocoding.
- address_components
Template: addressComponentsT.
- formatted_address
Template: ShortText.
- geometry
Template: geometryT.
- place_id
Template: ShortText.
- plus_code
Template: plusCodeT.
- types
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- postcode_localities
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- bounds
Template: ShortText.
- partial_match
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template GeolocationT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
The action uses POST method.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- Query: Optional in JSON format.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=parameters.get('Query') ? JSON.parse(parameters.Query) : parameters}}
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geolocation/overview.
- location
Template: latLongT.
- accuracy
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- location: Required. Specify a comma-separated lat,lng tuple (eg. location=-33.86,151.20), representing the location to look up.
- timestamp: Required. Specify the desired time as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/timezone/overview.
- dstOffset
Data type: DT_I4
- rawOffset
Data type: DT_I4
- status
Template: ShortText.
- timeZoneId
Template: ShortText.
- timeZoneName
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- origin: Required. Specify The place ID, address, or textual latitude/longitude value from which you wish to calculate directions.
- destination: Required. Specify The place ID, address, or textual latitude/longitude value to which you wish to calculate directions.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/quickstart.
- available_travel_modes
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- geocoded_waypoints
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: geocoder_status, place_id, partial_match, types.
- routes
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: bounds, copyrights, legs, overview_polyline, summary, warnings, waypoint_order.
- status
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- origins: Required. Specify the starting point for calculating travel distance and time.
- destinations: Required. Specify One or more locations to use as the finishing point for calculating travel distance and time.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/overview.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- origin_addresses
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- destination_addresses
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- rows
Field components:
- An array.
Based on resource template RoadT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.snappedPoints}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- path: Required. Specify the path to be snapped.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/roads/snap.
- [Read Nearest Road] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.snappedPoints}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- points: Required. Specify a list of latitude/longitude pairs.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/roads/nearest.
- [Read Speed Limit] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- path: Provide value for path only if not using placeId parameter.
- placeId: Provide value for placeId only if not using placeId parameter.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/roads/speed-limits.
- location
Field components:
- Contains the following components: latitude, longitude.
- originalIndex
Data type: DT_I4
- placeId
Template: ShortText.
- warning_message
Template: ShortText.
- placeDetails
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.result}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: geometry, icon, name, formatted_address, opening_hours, photos, place_id, reference, types, vicinity, rating, price_level, user_ratings_total, business_status, scope, permanently_closed, plus_code, address_components, adr_address, formatted_phone_number, international_phone_number, reviews, url, utc_offset, website.
Uses template:
- speedLimits
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.speedLimits}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: placeId, speedLimit, units.
- snappedPoints
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: location, originalIndex, placeId.
- warningMessage
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.results}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- locations: Provide the location(s) on the earth from which to return elevation data.
- path: Provide a path on the earth for which to return elevation data.
- sample: Specify the number of sample points along a path for which to return elevation data.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/elevation/overview.
- elevation
Data type: DT_R8
- location
Template: latLongT.
- resolution
Data type: DT_R8
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- center: Provide if markers not present
- zoom: Provide if markers not present.
- size: Required. Please specify the rectangular dimensions of the map.
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/maps-static/overview.
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE
Based on resource template ResourceT.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- size: Required. Specify the specifies the output size of the image in pixels.
- location: Provide Location (if not using pano parameter).
- pano: Provide pano (if not using location parameter).
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/streetview/overview.
- copyright
Template: ShortText.
- date
Template: ShortText.
- location
Template: latLongT.
- pano_id
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=GoogleMaps.getImage(response, parameters)}}
- [Read] action
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Create] action
The action uses POST method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Update] action
The action uses PUT method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Delete] action
The action uses DELETE method.
Based on resource template Base.
Based on resource template Base.
Based on resource template Base.
Based on resource template Base.
- ShortText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- LongText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 1000 )
- DateTime
- Date
Data type: DT_DBDATE
- UnixTime
Data type: DT_DBTIMESTAMP The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && new Date(value).toUTCString()}}
expression.- latLongT
Field components:
- Contains the following components: lat, lng.
- geometryT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: location, viewport.
Uses template:
- openingHourT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: open_now, periods, weekday_text.
Uses template:
- plusCodeT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: global_code, compound_code.
Uses template:
- addressComponentsT
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: long_name, short_name, types.
- reviewsT
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: author_name, author_url, language, profile_photo_url, rating, relative_time_description, text, time.
- distanceT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: text, value.
Uses template:
- durationT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: text, value.
Uses template:
- photoT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: height, html_attributions, photo_reference, width.
Uses template:
- substringsT
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: length, offset.
- generalTimeT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: value, text, time_zone.
Uses template:
What's New
- New: Introduced connection.
Related documentation
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