Data flow transformation, which setups temporary stage table for specified destination table in the data flow pre-execute phase. The content of the temporary table is inserted in the destination table in the data flow post-execute phase, using the SQL 2008 MERGE (Transact-SQL) statement.
The script has the following parameters:
- Connection - specifies ADO.NET connection manager.
- IsTableVariable - indicates whether table name is stored in variable.
- Table - selects destination table.
- TableVariable - selects variable containing destination table.
- PrimaryKeys - selects destination table primary key columns.
- StageVariable - selects variable to store temporary stage table name. Use this variable in the destination data flow component.
To use this script, you would need to load it in COZYROC JavaScript Component. If you are using COZYROC SSIS+ 2.0 or later, after selecting the corresponding script type and opening the component editor, you can select the script from a dropdown list with the pre-built scripts. For COZYROC SSIS+ 1.9, you can download the JavaScript file and browse to it via the "Import JavaScript code" button.

Knowledge Base
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.