A configuration is provided for establishing connections with the SugarCRM service. The configuration is used in the REST Connection Manager.
Press icon to get more information about the connection parameters.
Obtain data
Use REST Source component to get data from service resource.
Insert data
Use REST Destination component to insert data into service resource.
Quick Start
In this task, we will show you step-by-step how to create a connection to SugarCRM REST API using COZYROC's REST Connection Manager.
Congratulations! You have now established a connection to your SugarCRM instance.
In this guide, we will show how to read data from the SugarCRM service resource using the COZYROC REST Source component.
In this guide, we will show how to write data to the SugarCRM service resource using the COZYROC REST Destination component.
Base URL address: https://sg-integration.demo.sugarcrm.com/rest/v10
- OAuth 2
The authentication uses a session token.
The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- client_id: Required. Specify client ID.
- client_secret: Required. Specify username.
- username: Required. Specify username.
- password: Required. Specify password.
- platform: Required. Specify platform.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Bearer {{=token.Access}}
Documentation: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.2/Integration/Web_Services/REST_API/#Authentication.
Based on resource template Administration.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=_.isArray(response.packages) ? response.packages : [response.packages]}}
- [Read installed] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.packages}}
- [Read staged] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=_.isArray(response.packages) ? response.packages : [response.packages]}}
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- published_date
Template: DateTime.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- version
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- published_data
Template: ShortText.
- unFile
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- uninstallable
Data type: DT_BOOL
- file_install
Template: ShortText.
- file
Template: ShortText.
- enabled
Template: ShortText.
- installed
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{= response.records }}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the hash id.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- _acl
Template: aclT.
- _module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
- id
Template: ShortText.
- _module
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- email_address_id
Template: ShortText.
- opt_out
Data type: DT_BOOL
- _acl
Template: aclT.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- q: Required. Specify search expression.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- url
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.result}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the desired module name.
- value
Template: ShortText.
- text
Template: ShortText.
- module
Template: ShortText.
- module_label
Template: ShortText.
- module_name
Template: ShortText.
- relationship
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the desired module name.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- id
Template: ShortText.
- _module
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- rhs_module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
- [Read unattended] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module_list: Required. Specify Identifier used to determine which field to filter against.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- modified_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- created_by
Template: ShortText.
- deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- cas_id
Template: ShortText.
- cas_parent
Template: ShortText.
- cas_status
Template: ShortText.
- pro_id
Template: ShortText.
- cas_title
Template: ShortText.
- cas_custom_status
Template: ShortText.
- cas_init_user
Template: ShortText.
- cas_user_full_name
Template: ShortText.
- cas_create_date
Template: DateTime.
- cas_update_date
Template: DateTime.
- cas_finish_date
Template: DateTime.
- cas_assigned_status
Template: ShortText.
- cas_module
Template: ShortText.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
- team_set_id
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_name
Template: ShortText.
- prj_id
Template: ShortText.
- prj_created_by
Template: ShortText.
- prj_module
Template: ShortText.
- cas_sugar_module
Template: ShortText.
- cas_sugar_object_id
Template: ShortText.
- pro_title
Template: ShortText.
- prj_deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- prj_user_id_full_name
Template: ShortText.
- cas_user_id_full_name
Template: ShortText.
- historyLog
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.result}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: image, user, current_user, due_date, end_date, current_date, delegate_date, start_date, completed, cas_user_id, data_info.
- reassignFlows
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.records}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: cas_id, cas_index, cas_task_start_date, cas_delegate_date, cas_flow_status, cas_user_id, cas_due_date, cas_sugar_module, bpmn_id, act_name, act_assignment_method, act_expected_time, cas_expected_time, assigned_user.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.rowList}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id of the process trigger sequence (cas_id).
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- pmse_bpm_notes__date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- cas_id
Data type: DT_I4
- cas_index
Data type: DT_I4
- not_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- not_user_recipient_id
Template: ShortText.
- not_type
Template: ShortText.
- not_date
Template: DateTime.
- not_status
Template: ShortText.
- not_availability
Template: ShortText.
- not_content
Template: ShortText.
- not_recipients
Template: ShortText.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- picture
Template: ShortText.
- data
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: cas_id, cas_index, not_content, not_type.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.result}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- data: Required. Speicfy The type of data to be retrieved.
- filter: Required. Speicfy Filtering criteria to be applied to data retrieved.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- value
Template: ShortText.
- text
Template: ShortText.
- module
Template: ShortText.
- module_label
Template: ShortText.
- relationship
Template: ShortText.
- data
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.feed.entries}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- feed_url: Required. Please specify the fully qualified URL to an RSS feed.
Documentation: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.3/Integration/Web_Services/REST_API/Endpoints/rssfeed_GET/.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- link
Template: ShortText.
- publication_date
Template: DateTime.
- source
Template: ShortText.
- author
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the [Module].
- id: Required. Specify the uuid.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- module_name
Template: ShortText.
- records
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- module
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
/ForecastManagerWorksheets/{{=parameters.timeperiod_id + (parameters.get('user_id' ? '/' + parameters.user_id : '')}}
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Specify for a specific time period
- user_id: Specify for a specific user. Optional.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- created_by
Template: ShortText.
- quota
Data type: DT_R8
- best_case
Data type: DT_R8
- best_case_adjusted
Data type: DT_R8
- likely_case
Data type: DT_R8
- likely_case_adjusted
Data type: DT_R8
- worst_case
Data type: DT_R8
- worst_case_adjusted
Data type: DT_R8
- timeperiod_id
Template: ShortText.
- draft
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_manager
Data type: DT_BOOL
- user_id
Template: ShortText.
- opp_count
Data type: DT_I4
- pipeline_opp_count
Data type: DT_I4
- pipeline_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- closed_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- manager_saved
Data type: DT_BOOL
- show_history_log
Data type: DT_I4
- following
Data type: DT_BOOL
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_name
Template: ShortText.
- team_name
Template: teamT.
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- base_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- _acl
Template: aclT.
- _module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
/ForecastWorksheets/{{=parameters.timeperiod_id + (parameters.get('user_id') ? '/' + parameters.user_id : '')}}
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Specify for a specific time period
- user_id: Specify for a specific user. Optional.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- modified_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- modified_by_name
Template: ShortText.
- created_by
Data type: DT_I4
- created_by_name
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- img
Template: ShortText.
- deleted
Data type: DT_I4
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_name
Template: ShortText.
- team_name
Template: teamT.
- parent_id
Template: ShortText.
- parent_type
Template: ShortText.
- account_name
Template: ShortText.
- account_id
Template: ShortText.
- likely_case
Data type: DT_R8
- best_case
Data type: DT_R8
- worst_case
Data type: DT_R8
- base_rate
Data type: DT_I4
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- currency_name
Template: ShortText.
- currency_symbol
Template: ShortText.
- date_closed
Template: DateTime.
- date_closed_timestamp
Template: DateTime.
- sales_stage
Template: ShortText.
- probability
Data type: DT_I4
- commit_stage
Template: ShortText.
- draft
Data type: DT_I4
- my_favorite
Data type: DT_BOOL
- _acl
Template: aclT.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
/Forecasts/{{=parameters.timeperiod_id + (parameters.get('user_id') ? '/progressManager/' + parameters.user_id : '')}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Show for a specific timeperiod.
- user_id: Show for a specific user. Optional.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- closed_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- opportunities
Data type: DT_I4
- pipeline_revenue
Data type: DT_R8
- quota_amount
Data type: DT_R8
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
/Forecasts/{{=parameters.timeperiod_id + (parameters.get('user_id') ? '/progressRep/' + parameters.user_id : '')}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Show for a specific timeperiod.
- user_id: Show for a specific user. Optional.
- quota_amount
Data type: DT_R8
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Show for a specific timeperiod.
- user_id: Required. Show for a specific user.
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- amount
Data type: DT_R8
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- formatted_amount
Template: ShortText.
- is_top_level_manager
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- timeperiod_id: Required. Show for a specific timeperiod.
- user_id: Required. Show for a specific user.
- display_manager: Required. Pipeline or Committed are valid values.
- color
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- label
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- properties
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: gauge_target_list, goal_marker_color, goal_marker_label, goal_marker_type, label_name, labels, legend, print, subtitle, thousands, title, type, value_name.
- values
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: goalmarkervalue, goalmarkervaluelabel, gvalue, gvaluelabel, label, links, valuelabels, values.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Show for a specific user.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- full_name
Template: ShortText.
- user_name
Template: ShortText.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- is_manager
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read reportees] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Show for a specific user.
- attr
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, rel.
Uses template:
- children
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: attr, children, data, metadata, state.
- data
Template: ShortText.
- metadata
Template: metadataT.
- state
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- module
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- lhs_sync_key_field_value
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- link_by_sync_keys
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- link_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- rhs_sync_key_field_value
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- link_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- remote_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- ids
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- module
Template: ShortTExt.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- days: Optional. Specify the number of days.
- meetings
Template: userinfoT.
- calls
Template: userinfoT.
- inbound_emails
Template: userinfoT.
- outbound_emails
Template: userinfoT.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- link_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- contact_role
Template: ShortText.
- module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response.filename]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the [Module].
- id: Required. Specify the uuid.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the module name.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the module.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- content-type
Template: ShortText.
- doc-type
Template: ShortText.
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
{{=new Uri(connection.serverHost).authority() +'/'+ item.uri}}
address.- field
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- width
Data type: DT_I4
- height
Data type: DT_I4
- uri
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- doc_type
Template: ShortText.
- format
Template: ShortText.
- delete_if_fails
Data type: DT_BOOL
- oauth_token
Template: ShortText.
- filename
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- localizations
Field components:
- Contains the following components: en_us.
- data
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, label, type, help, comments, default_value, len, required, reportable, audited, options, importable, duplicate_merge.
Uses template:
- module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- link_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- lhs_sync_key_field_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- lhs_sync_key_field_value
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- rhs_sync_key_field_name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- rhs_sync_key_field_value
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- date: Required. Specify the date to get the time period.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- parent_id
Template: ShortText.
- start_date
Template: DateTime.
- start_date_timestamp
Template: DateTime.
- end_date
Template: DateTime.
- end_date_timestamp
Template: DateTime.
- created_by
Data type: DT_I4
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- deleted
Data type: DT_I4
- is_fiscal
Data type: DT_I4
- is_fiscal_year
Data type: DT_I4
- leaf_cycle
Data type: DT_I4
- type
Template: ShortText.
- related_timeperiods
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- display
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- default
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{= response.records }}
The action uses POST method.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- Query: Optional in JSON format.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=parameters.get('Query') ? JSON.parse(parameters.Query) : parameters}}
- id
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- data
Template: ShortText.
- state
Template: ShortText.
- index
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- reportData
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: label, id, summary_columns, group_defs, filters_def, base_module, full_table_list.
Uses template:
- chartData
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: properties, label, color, values.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- modified_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- modified_by_name
Template: ShortText.
- modified_user_link
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- created_by
Template: ShortText.
- created_by_name
Template: ShortText.
- created_by_link
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- opportunity_type
Template: ShortText.
- account_name
Template: ShortText.
- accounts
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- account_id
Template: ShortText.
- campaign_id
Template: ShortText.
- campaign_name
Template: ShortText.
- campaign_opportunities
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- lead_source
Template: ShortText.
- amount
Data type: DT_R8
- amount_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- date_closed
Template: DateTime.
- date_closed_timestamp
Template: DateTime.
- next_step
Template: ShortText.
- sales_stage
Template: ShortText.
- sales_status
Template: ShortText.
- probability
Data type: DT_I4
- best_case
Data type: DT_R8
- worst_case
Data type: DT_R8
- commit_stage
Template: ShortText.
- service_start_date
Template: DateTime.
- service_open_revenue_line_items
Data type: DT_I4
- service_start_date_cascade
Template: DateTime.
- total_revenue_line_items
Data type: DT_I4
- closed_revenue_line_items
Data type: DT_I4
- included_revenue_line_items
Data type: DT_I4
- renewal_parent_id
Template: ShortText.
- renewal_parent_name
Template: ShortText.
- renewal_parent
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- widget_sales_stage
Template: ShortText.
- widget_date_closed
Template: DateTime.
- widget_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- sales_stage_cascade
Template: ShortText.
- date_closed_cascade
Template: DateTime.
- contact_role
Template: ShortText.
- service_duration_value
Template: ShortText.
- service_duration_unit
Template: ShortText.
- service_duration_value_cascade
Template: ShortText.
- service_duration_unit_cascade
Template: ShortText.
- service_open_flex_duration_rlis
Data type: DT_I4
- mkto_sync
Data type: DT_BOOL
- mkto_id
Template: ShortText.
- renewal
Data type: DT_BOOL
- following
Data type: DT_BOOL
- my_favorite
Data type: DT_BOOL
- tag
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- locked_fields
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- sync_key
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_name
Template: ShortText.
- assigned_user_link
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- team_count
Template: ShortText.
- team_count_link
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- team_name
Template: teamT.
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- base_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- currency_name
Template: ShortText.
- currencies
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, id, _acl, symbol.
Uses template:
- currency_symbol
Template: ShortText.
- dri_workflow_template_id
Template: ShortText.
- dri_workflow_template_name
Template: ShortText.
- dri_workflow_template_link
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, id, _acl.
Uses template:
- _acl
Template: aclT.
- _module
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the desired module name.
- record: Required. Specify the Record ID from which to create a PDF.
- pdf_template_id: Required. Specify The PDF Template ID to use to create the PDF.
- sugarpdf: Optional.
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE Before setting, the value is processed with
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the desired module name.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- modified_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- created_by
Data type: DT_I4
- description
Template: ShortText.
- deleted
Data type: DT_I4
- type_id
Template: ShortText.
- manufacturer_id
Template: ShortText.
- category_id
Template: ShortText.
- mft_part_num
Template: ShortText.
- vendor_part_num
Template: ShortText.
- date_cost_price
Template: ShortText.
- cost_price
Data type: DT_R8
- discount_price
Data type: DT_R8
- list_price
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- discount_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- list_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- status
Template: ShortText.
- tax_class
Template: ShortText.
- date_available
Template: DateTime.
- website
Template: ShortText.
- weight
Template: ShortText.
- qty_in_stock
Data type: DT_I4
- support_name
Template: ShortText.
- support_description
Template: ShortText.
- support_contact
Template: ShortText.
- support_term
Template: ShortText.
- pricing_formula
Template: ShortText.
- pricing_factor
Data type: DT_R8
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- base_rate
Data type: DT_R8
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required.Specify the module Name
- JSON: Optional. Use json format to specify the pageNum
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=parameters.get('JSON') ? JSON.parse(parameters.JSON) : parameters}}
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the [Module].
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- module: Required. Specify the [Module].
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_entered
Template: DateTime.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
- modified_user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- created_by
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- deleted
Data type: DT_I4
- type_id
Template: ShortText.
- manufacturer_id
Template: ShortText.
- category_id
Template: ShortText.
- mft_part_num
Template: ShortText.
- vendor_part_num
Template: ShortText.
- date_cost_price
Template: ShortText.
- cost_price
Data type: DT_R8
- discount_price
Data type: DT_R8
- list_price
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- discount_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- list_usdollar
Data type: DT_R8
- status
Template: ShortText.
- tax_class
Template: ShortText.
- date_available
Template: DateTime.
- website
Template: ShortText.
- weight
Data type: DT_R8
- qty_in_stock
Data type: DT_I4
- support_name
Template: ShortText.
- support_description
Template: ShortText.
- support_contact
Template: ShortText.
- support_term
Template: ShortText.
- pricing_formula
Template: ShortText.
- pricing_factor
Data type: DT_R8
- assigned_user_id
Template: ShortText.
- currency_id
Template: ShortText.
- base_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
- [Read single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the record identifier.
- [Read filter] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
The action uses POST method.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- Query: Optional in JSON format
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=parameters.get('Query') ? JSON.parse(parameters.Query) : parameters}}
- [Read sync-key] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- sync_key: Required. Specify the sync_key value.
- [Read sync-key-field-value] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- sync_key_field_name: Required. Please specify the sync_key_field_name.
- sync_key_field_value: Required. Please specify the sync_key_field_value.
- [Read related-filter] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- link_name: Required. Specify the link_name.
- Query: Optional in JSON format
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=parameters.get('Query') ? JSON.parse(parameters.Query) : _.without(parameters, 'id', 'link_name')}}
- [Read related-relationship-role] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- link_name: Required. Specify the link_name.
- remote_id: Required. Specify the remote_id.
- [Read history] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- [Read collection] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify the id.
- collection_name: Required. Specify the collection_name.
- [Read recent] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.3/Integration/Web_Services/REST_API/Endpoints/recent_GET/.
- [Read search] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.records}}
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.3/Integration/Web_Services/REST_API/Endpoints/search_GET/.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- related_activities
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.records}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, name, date_entered, date_modified, description, date_start, status, contact_name, contacts, contact_id, locked_fields, assigned_user_id, assigned_user_name, assigned_user_link, _acl.
- activities
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.records}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, date_entered, date_modified, created_by, deleted, parent_id, parent_type, activity_type, data, comment_count, last_comment, fields, first_name, last_name, created_by_name.
- next
Template: RelatedRecord. A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address.- previous
Template: RelatedRecord. A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address.- parent
Template: RelatedRecord. A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address.- all_parents
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- children
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- pii
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.fields}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: field_name, value, event_type, date_modified, source.
- freebusy
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.freebusy}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: start, end.
- vCard
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
address.- audit
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.records}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, parent_id, date_created, created_by, field_name, data_type, before_value_string, after_value_string.
- [External]
The external fields URL address:
. The external fields list is extracted from:{{=_.values(response.modules[resource.external.name].fields)}}
.- {{=external.name}}
Template: {{=SugarCRM.getFieldTemplate(external.type)}}. Data type: {{=SugarCRM.getDataType(external.type)}} ( length {{=external.len || 255}} )
The external resource list URL address: /metadata
The external resource list is extracted from: {{=_.map(_.without(_.keys(response.full_module_list), '_hash'), function(name) { return { name: name }; })}}
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:{{=_.isArray(response) ? response : [response]}}
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Create] action
The action uses POST method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Update] action
The action uses PUT method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Delete] action
The action uses DELETE method.
Based on resource template Base.
- ShortText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- LongText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 1000 )
- DateTime
- Date
Data type: DT_DBDATE
- teamT
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, name, name_2, primary, selected.
- aclT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: fields, _hash.
Uses template:
- metadataT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: first_name, full_name, id, last_name, level, reports_to_id, user_name.
Uses template:
- userinfoT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: user_id, count, first_name, last_name.
Uses template:
- chartT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, label, column_function, qualifier, table_key, type, runtime, force_label, input_name0, input_name1.
Uses template:
- Link
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, _acl.
Uses template:
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: email_address, primary_address, reply_to_address, invalid_email, opt_out, email_address_id.
- Tag
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, name.
- RelatedRecord
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, name, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, description, deleted, source_id, source_type, source_meta, root, lft, rgt, level.
Uses template:
Knowledge Base
- Where can I find the documentation for the SugarCRM Connection?
- Where can I find the documentation for the SugarCRM Connection?
- How to trace HTTP(S) and REST API using Fiddler
What's New
- New: Introduced connection.
Related documentation
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.