A message from Stacy Dimitrova, Vice President - Sales CozyRoc LLC
It's our 2nd Anniversary this November and I'd like to thank you for all your support. We couldn't have done it without you!
CozyRoc started as an exciting project of a couple “young” professionals. They had been building business intelligence and data warehousing products for over 30 years combined experience. As we were growing up, we were making sure that our clients receive a product that is the best they could get in the industry. It combines great functionality and value. We also made sure our customer support and service are outstanding. Most of our clients will agree, the live chat & instant messaging gave them one more good reason to choose CozyRoc. Many service questions and requests were answered in less than 6 business hours.
We now live in an ever-changing economy and the downturn is painful for everyone. I am happy to share that in these conditions our clients are recognizing even more the value of CozyRoc components, as they give greater flexibility and won’t hurt your budget.
In recognition of the people who have trusted us for the past two years, I would like to say: CozyRoc is here to stay! We like to do business with successful companies and we will help you be even more successful. We know how to get the job done right and we will back our products and services the same way we have done in the past. We stand proud behind our slogan: Cozy Service...Rock Technology!
Happy Birthday CozyRoc!