Friday, February 23, 2018 - 12:00
Released COZYROC SSIS+ 1.7 SR-1 ( The release includes the following major changes:
- Fixed: Using project connections in tasks failed with error "The connection "..." is not found" (Thank you, Arun).

- New: Defined 'Financial | Fixed Asset' resource.
- New: Defined 'Financial | Fixed Asset Transaction' resource.
- New: Defined 'School | Meeting' resource.
- New: Included definition for new /creditmemos API.
- Fixed: Corrected pagination for 'Church | Action' resource.

- Fixed: Design time issue when using SELECT DISTINCT clause.
- Fixed: Issue with handling nvarchar(max) columns in SQL Server.

- New: Included
functions to work with DT_BYTES, DT_IMAGE columns. - Fixed: Many improvements and cleanup.

- New: TrimColumnNames parameter to specify whether to remove whitespace from start/end of column names.

- New: Updated to use new Project read endpoint.
- Fixed: Corrected default service base url.

- New: Defined 'Communication | Direct Routing Call' resource.
- New: Defined 'Communication | PSTN Call' resource.

- New: [OpenAPI Import] Support for schema types with multiple references.
- New: [WSDL] integrations are now using JSON definitions everywhere.
- New: [GraphQL] Improved support for mutations.
- Fixed: Error when trying to use variables in GraphQL query (Thank you, Christina).
- Fixed: Incomplete data transfer when streaming from one REST connection to another.
- Fixed: [OData] Performance issues with large XML responses.

- Fixed: Retry execution didn't handle properly disconnected sessions (Thank you, SungHwan).