Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - 09:27
Released COZYROC SSIS+ 2.1 SR-2 ( The release includes the following major changes:

- Fixed: Failed with error "The API version 'V2' has been deprecated." on Test Connection.

- Fixed: Failure to set remote file date/time when uploading single file (Thank you, Jeff).

- Fixed: An ocassional error "The directory is not empty" in the post-execution cleanup (Thank you, Saikit).

- New: Automatic schema generation when attaching to upstream component.
- New: Support for dynamic data flow.

- Fixed: Error 'Field '...' has multiple schema references and can't be processed!' when using OpenAPI import (Thank you, Jack).
- Fixed: Incomplete data transfer when streaming from one REST connection to another.
- Fixed: RemoteFilter parameter not working when using 'Get remote files list' action in File Transfer Task.

- Fixed: Corrected diagnostic log to provide all columns modifications, not just the first modified column (Thank you, Colette).

- Fixed: Failed with error 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' when trying to decompress Zip package (Thank you, Anders).
- Fixed: Compression of files greater than 8GB using the TAR format created a corrupted package (Thank you, Sri).